Class TestCurateDerivedVariables

  extended by junit.framework.Assert
      extended by junit.framework.TestCase
          extended by macaw.test.curation.MacawCurationTestCase
              extended by macaw.test.curation.TestCurateDerivedVariables
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TestCurateDerivedVariables
extends MacawCurationTestCase

Copyright 2010 Medical Research Council Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Kevin Garwood (

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class macaw.test.curation.MacawCurationTestCase
admin, curationService, jsmith, log
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void setUp()
 void testAssociateOntologyTermA1()
          associate one ontology term with a variable
 void testAssociateOntologyTermE1()
          associate a non-existent ontology term with a variable
 void testAssociateOntologyTermE2()
          associate an ontology term with a non-existent variable
 void testAssociateOntologyTermE3()
          associate multiple ontology terms with a variable when those associations already exist.
 void testAssociateOntologyTermN1()
          associate multiple ontology terms with a variable
 void testAssociateSourceVariableA1()
          associate a single source variable with a derived variable
 void testAssociateSourceVariableE1()
          associate a source variable with a non-existent derived variable
 void testAssociateSourceVariableE2()
          associate a non-existent source variable with a derived variable
 void testAssociateSourceVariableE3()
          associate a source variable with a derived variable where the association already exists
 void testAssociateSourceVariableN1()
          associate multiple source variables with a derived variable
 void testDerivedVariableAssociateDocumentA1()
          associate a single supporting documents with a derived variable
 void testDerivedVariableAssociateDocumentE1()
          associate a document with a non-existent derived variable
 void testDerivedVariableAssociateDocumentE2()
          associate a non-existent document with a derived variable
 void testDerivedVariableAssociateDocumentE3()
          associate a single supporting documents with a derived variable where the association already exists
 void testDerivedVariableAssociateDocumentN1()
          associate one or supporting documents with a derived variable
 void testDerivedVariableDisassociateDocumentA1()
          disassociate the only supporting document that is associated with a derived variable
 void testDerivedVariableDisassociateDocumentE1()
          disassociate a supporting document with a non-existent derived variables
 void testDerivedVariableDisassociateDocumentE2()
          disassociate a non-existent supporting document with a derived variables
 void testDerivedVariableDisassociateDocumentE3()
          disassociate a supporting document with a derived variable where no associations exist
 void testDerivedVariableDisassociateDocumentN1()
          disassociate supporting document that is associated with a derived variable
 void testDisassociateOntologyTermA1()
          disassociate the only ontology term that is associated with a variable
 void testDisassociateOntologyTermE1()
          disassociate a non-existent ontology term with a variable
 void testDisassociateOntologyTermE2()
          disassociate an ontology term with a non-existent variable
 void testDisassociateOntologyTermE3()
          disassociate an ontology term with a variable where no associations exist
 void testDisassociateOntologyTermN1()
          disassociate multiple ontology terms from a variable
 void testDisassociateSourceVariableA1()
          disassociate the only source variable associated with a derived variable
 void testDisassociateSourceVariableE1()
          disassociate a non-existent source variable from a a derived variable
 void testDisassociateSourceVariableE2()
          disassociate source variables from a a non-existent derived variable
 void testDisassociateSourceVariableE3()
          disassociate a source variable from a a derived variable where no association exists
 void testDisassociateSourceVariableN1()
          disassociate source variables from a derived variable
Methods inherited from class macaw.test.curation.MacawCurationTestCase
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.TestCase
countTestCases, createResult, getName, run, run, runBare, runTest, setName, toString
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.Assert
assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, fail, fail, failNotEquals, failNotSame, failSame
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TestCurateDerivedVariables()
Method Detail


protected void setUp()
              throws java.lang.Exception
setUp in class MacawCurationTestCase


public void testDerivedVariableAssociateDocumentN1()
associate one or supporting documents with a derived variable


public void testDerivedVariableAssociateDocumentA1()
associate a single supporting documents with a derived variable


public void testDerivedVariableAssociateDocumentE1()
associate a document with a non-existent derived variable


public void testDerivedVariableAssociateDocumentE2()
associate a non-existent document with a derived variable


public void testDerivedVariableAssociateDocumentE3()
associate a single supporting documents with a derived variable where the association already exists


public void testDerivedVariableDisassociateDocumentN1()
disassociate supporting document that is associated with a derived variable


public void testDerivedVariableDisassociateDocumentA1()
disassociate the only supporting document that is associated with a derived variable


public void testDerivedVariableDisassociateDocumentE1()
disassociate a supporting document with a non-existent derived variables


public void testDerivedVariableDisassociateDocumentE2()
disassociate a non-existent supporting document with a derived variables


public void testDerivedVariableDisassociateDocumentE3()
disassociate a supporting document with a derived variable where no associations exist


public void testAssociateOntologyTermN1()
associate multiple ontology terms with a variable


public void testAssociateOntologyTermA1()
associate one ontology term with a variable


public void testAssociateOntologyTermE1()
associate a non-existent ontology term with a variable


public void testAssociateOntologyTermE2()
associate an ontology term with a non-existent variable


public void testAssociateOntologyTermE3()
associate multiple ontology terms with a variable when those associations already exist.


public void testDisassociateOntologyTermN1()
disassociate multiple ontology terms from a variable


public void testDisassociateOntologyTermA1()
disassociate the only ontology term that is associated with a variable


public void testDisassociateOntologyTermE1()
disassociate a non-existent ontology term with a variable


public void testDisassociateOntologyTermE2()
disassociate an ontology term with a non-existent variable


public void testDisassociateOntologyTermE3()
disassociate an ontology term with a variable where no associations exist


public void testAssociateSourceVariableN1()
associate multiple source variables with a derived variable


public void testAssociateSourceVariableA1()
associate a single source variable with a derived variable


public void testAssociateSourceVariableE1()
associate a source variable with a non-existent derived variable


public void testAssociateSourceVariableE2()
associate a non-existent source variable with a derived variable


public void testAssociateSourceVariableE3()
associate a source variable with a derived variable where the association already exists


public void testDisassociateSourceVariableN1()
disassociate source variables from a derived variable


public void testDisassociateSourceVariableA1()
disassociate the only source variable associated with a derived variable


public void testDisassociateSourceVariableE1()
disassociate a non-existent source variable from a a derived variable


public void testDisassociateSourceVariableE2()
disassociate source variables from a a non-existent derived variable


public void testDisassociateSourceVariableE3()
disassociate a source variable from a a derived variable where no association exists