macaw.businessLayer Contains classes that represent business concepts in the system. Classes in this package were designed to migrate legacy data from SWIFT into Macaw.
macaw.persistenceLayer Contains the main APIs used by other software clients.
macaw.persistenceLayer.demo This package contains all the code required to run versions of Macaw's curation and retrieval services which store data in-memory.
macaw.persistenceLayer.production This package contains all the code required to run versions of Macaw's curation and retrieval services which store data in a MySQL database.
macaw.presentationLayer This is the main package that produces the GUI application forms for Macaw.
macaw.system Contains classes that are used prolificly throughout the code base.
macaw.test.curation Classes that test implementations of MacawCurationAPI.
macaw.test.retrieval Classes that test implementations of MacawRetrievalAPI.
macaw.util Contains classes which may be useful in other software projects.