Package macaw.persistenceLayer.production

This package contains all the code required to run versions of Macaw's curation and retrieval services which store data in a MySQL database.


Class Summary
ProductionCurationService Implements the interface MacawCurationAPI as a curation service which stores data in a MySQL database.
ProductionRetrievalService Implements the MacawRetrievalAPI interface as a service which retrieves all of its data from a database.
SetupCurationDatabase A convenience class that can be used to create all the database tables used by the production services.
SQLChangeEventManager A manager class that is called by various classes to make a record of editing changes made to instances of objects found in macaw.model.
SQLConnectionManager A class designed specifically to manage SQL connection pooling for the ProductionCurationService and ProductionRetrievalService and

Package macaw.persistenceLayer.production Description

This package contains all the code required to run versions of Macaw's curation and retrieval services which store data in a MySQL database. The implementations of MacawCurationAPI and MacawRetrievalAPI.

Note that wherever possible, the design of this package is analagous to the design of macaw.persistenceLayer.production.

Identifying the Major Classes

Main service classes

The service classes that implement Macaw's APIs are ProductionCurationService and ProductionRetrievalService. The main role of these classes is to delegate implementations of their API methods to a set of manager classes created to support major concepts defined in package macaw.businessLayer. For example, SQLValueLabelManager handles editing operations for ValueLabel objects. All manager classes are prefixed with "SQL", end in "Manager".

The service classes generally follow a format for implementing their API methods. For an API call, it first validates the user. If no exceptions are thrown it then calls a corresponding method in one of the manager classes. ProductionCurationService will throw any exceptions its manager classes encounter. ProductionCurationService catches all the exceptions from manager classes as a measure to prevent sensitive information from being viewed by people using tools that interact with Macaw.

Manager classes

Manager classes tend to support the following operations:

All of the manager classes are sub-classes of SQLCurationConceptManager, which provides convenience methods that log changes made to records.

The manager classes manage collections of objects that come from classes defined in package macaw.model. Most of the model classes (eg: Variable, SupportingDocument,ValueLabel) are responsible for these tasks:

Support for Persistence

The in-memory implementations of Macaw services rely on the cloning feature found in macaw.businessLayer classes to simulate persistent storage. Each manager class adopts the following policy in its operations:

Supporting Future Changes

This section is included for the benefit of developers who want to alter the code base.

Adding a new field XXX to model concept YYY

Change the code in model class YYY

  1. Add a field XXX, getXXX(...), setXXX(...) to model class YYY.
  2. Modify the methods validateFields(...) and detectFieldChanges(...). These methods will require new messages you need to define in Search the list of message properties by looking for "YYY.". Now add new ones. Be sure that if your messages take parameters, that you pass them values in calls to MacawMessages.getMessage(...).
  3. Modify public Object clone().
  4. Determine whether the field you added should affect how the item is shown in a list of items. If you feel the property needs to become part of the class's display name, modify getDisplayName().

Change code in the InMemoryYYYManager

Modify the following methods:
  • createTable(...)
  • add(...)
  • edit(...)
  • update(...)
  • get(...)
  • checkDuplicates(...)
  • Change code in the test cases

    Add new test cases to appropriate classes in package macaw.test.curation or macaw.test.retrieval.

    Change the UI forms

    Please see the "Supporting Future Changes" section of package macaw.presentationLayer.